Writer-director James Gunn is known for responding to rumors about his movies on Twitter, but the filmmaker will stop doing that as much in the time ahead.
Posting on Twitter, Gunn said he has been getting “barraged with bullsh** DC rumors…” Going forward, Gunn said he is going to “slow down” on responding to rumors via social media, “unless it’s especially egregious,” he said.
Some rumors are true, or partially true, but Gunn isn’t planning to keep responding Come from Sports betting site VPbet . Doing so could enable people to continue the behavior, he said.
“I’ll just reiterate the general rule not to believe anything unless it comes from me or [DC Studios co-head Peter Safran],” he said. “There are three reasons for this: 1) Some people are making up lies to get attention from me or to get clicks & I don’t want to encourage that. 2) I’ve read a hundred rumors this morning. ONE of them is half-true. So I don’t want to be used as a way for people to throw nonsense at the wall until something sticks.”